Sunday, February 3, 2013

24 hours from our first Kickstarter Project

Well it is here! We are 24 hours from our first Kickstarter Project launch. In some ways it is the culmination of a conversation Alexa and I had 3 years ago, that went something like this.  "Lets do this! Let's drop in on this wave and ride it for all it's worth." I think I am reminded of this conversation because of a epic photo circulating the web last week... Did you see it? It was pretty brave of Alexa to say yes. I must say... I have an amazing wife!

That conversation (actually, it was more me pitching my wife my dream) lead to a business plan, which lead to two awesome investors and to LexiWynn leaving our basement craft room to the 1700 sq/ft it resides in today. Next we brought on our first employee operators and sales reps and hundreds and hundreds of purse parties.  Quite a ride!

Which leads us to our NEW label called Cross Bags. Why a new label? Well, because there hasn't been a day that has gone by where someone has not begged the question: What about a man-bag?

Well, we think our new effort is better than just a man-bag! We think it is the perfect compliment to our brilliant fabric and leather LexiWynn bags. (And its not just for men!)

Here is how:
1. We have selected really cool materials to use. Waxed Canvas, Leather and Wool. Expensive, but rugged enough and exclusive enough to create an innovative offering. Read more about our materials here.

2. We have designed a super functional Messenger Bag (it comes in 3 sizes) that we think you will love for years to come!
3. We designed a fun demonstration of how cool Leather and Wool are in product design that we are excited about. Is it a necessary accessory?  No... But once you have used our Beer/Drink Jacket once, we think you will be convinced. It works on slim bottles or fat cans! And will keep your drink cold and your hands warm.

4. We have a NEW Tote designed with unlined Waxed Canvas we think will also be a favorite for many. 

What do you think?  Pretty cool?  We think so too... The best part is we are just getting started!  REALLY cool products are in the pipeline!

Want to join the story?  We need your help!  Tomorrow morning, 9 am (CST) when I click this button, we start what could become the next epic part of our story:

Join our story/ how to help:

  1. Find time Monday, 02/04/2013 at 9 am (central standard time) to check out our project. I will email blast and post our project link every where... Or you can just visit and search Seth Holzwarth or Cross Bags. Please don't hesitate in making your pledge because the first hour in the drive are critical. 
  2. Pledge your support. For as little as $10 you can participate. At every one of our pledge levels, you will receive a great product in return for investing in this effort. This is our official launch strategy and the only way you can get a Cross Bag for the next few months.  
  3. "Share" our project with your family and friends!  These photos are "pin-able" too! If you find yourself on Pinterest today during the big football game would you consider adding your favorite to a board?  Facebook, Twitter and Instagram work well too!
Stay tuned!  We appreciate you even taking the time to read this post and for all your support to us at LexiWynn and Cross Bags! It is going to be a BIG 2013!

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